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Laundromat for travelers and locals

Do a quick wash in a trendy laundromat in Bruges?
Or are you a traveller and in need of fresh clothes?

Check out The Laundrette, a trendy laundromat in the heart of Bruges.
The vintage look and cozy atmosphere put you in a great mood, even while doing the laundry.

All steps are easily explained so you really don’t have to be a genius to use our modern machines.
The prices in The Laundrette are very competitive and you don’t have to bring your own soap, it is already included! As an extra!

While waiting for your laundry, enjoy a cup of coffee in the charming Café Marcel next door.
Don’t hesitate and come take a look!


up to 7 kg
(soap included)


Washing XL

up to 14 kg
(soap included)


Thumble dry

thumble dryer
(price per 8 minutes)


We accept cash and creditcards
Please beware: horse and dogblankets are not allowed to be washed in the Laundrette